Thursday, January 17, 2019

Target the Right Audience with Buyer Personas

For any dental lab marketing to be successful, you need to know who you are speaking to - your ideal buyers.  In Inbound, Buyer Personas are used to define semi-fictional representations of your ideal customer.

These profiles are developed from market research and real data about your existing customers (through surveys, interviews, information from departments like sales, customer service etc.). They include demographics, communication preferences, background (personal and career), challenges, goals, definition of success etc.

Depending on your business, you may just have as few as one or two personas, or as many as 10 or more.

Tip: If you're new to developing personas for your business, then make sure you walk before you can run. Start with 1-3. You can always create more personas later once you get the key ones together.

Having well-researched personas, will allow you to personalize and target your marketing. Example, you can define campaigns for a specific buyer persona, segment your lead list by buyer persona and tailor your messaging according to what you know about those different personas.

Here are more detailed examples of the types of data you need to collect for your personas:
Personal Background:
  • Age
  • Family (single, married, children)
  • Education
  • What industry does their company work in?
  • What is the size of their company?
  • What's their annual revenue?
  • What is their job title and what does their role encompass?
  • How is their performance/success measured? 
  • What is a typical day like - what tasks do they complete?
  • What skills are required to do their job?
  • What knowledge and tools do they use to complete important tasks?
  • Who do they report to? Who reports to them?  How many?
  • What are their main responsibilities?
  • What does it mean to be successful in their role? How do they define success?
  • What are their biggest challenges and pain points?
  • How do they overcome these challenges today?
  • How do they learn about new information for their job?
  • What publications do they regularly read?
  • What blogs do they follow?
  • What associations do they belong to?
  • What social networks are they active on? 
Shopping Preferences
  • How to they prefer to interact with vendors (email, phone, in person?)
  • Do they use the internet to research vendors or products? 
  • How do they search for information? 
  • What types of websites do they use?

For more information about Buyer Personas contact or call 888-715-9099


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