Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Campaign Management

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Campaign management software can help you to automate the execution and tracking of your promotions and online marketing campaigns. It encompasses both inbound as well as outbound marketing campaign activities. You can use the software to conduct marketing campaigns over multiple channels targeted  at both individuals and groups, and then track the impact of the campaigns by customer group over time.

Key Features of Campaign Marketing Software

These are the basic features to expect from your next campaign marketing system:
  • Customer Segmentation: It is important to segment customers based on their buying traits and other behaviors so that you can target effective marketing messages. Marketers can add traits based their target markets’ unique qualities.
  • Nurture Campaigns: Most leads need careful nurturing before they are ready to invest in your product. You should conduct nurture campaigns with targeted messages based on customer profiles and communicate with the prospects at regular intervals. Combine lead scoring with the nurture campaigns to find about the reactions of prospects to the campaigns and to know when they are ready to make a purchase decision.
  • Email Distributions: The campaign marketing software should help to run automated email marketing campaigns that send tailored messages to specific segments of customers. Based on the responses to the campaign messages you can further tweak your marketing process. It is important to ensure your emails do not land up in the recipients’ spam folder. The campaign marketing solution should boost your lead scoring system and help you identify behaviors that demand immediate contact as well as those that need additional nurturing.
  • Real-Time Notifications: This is an important feature that tells you when your prospects show high interest or become ready to purchase your product. This functionality can also enable marketers to learn which campaigns are garnering unusually negative or positive responses, based on which they can make appropriate changes.
  • CRM Integration: It is important that the campaign marketing software integrates smoothly with the CRM system you use. This will enable collaboration activities like for instance lead alerts being sent directly to the sales rep’s CRM screen they use for daily tasks. Sales staff can also feed the new leads they uncover into the marketing automation solution so that these leads also get the same lead scoring and nurturing attention given to the leads uncovered by marketing.
  • Data Hygiene: The software should provide clean and accurate data by enabling you to remove incorrect, partial, bogus, and duplicate data.
  • Integration with Off-Line Marketing: The campaign marketing software should easily integrate with off-line channels and campaigns such as call center surveys and direct mail. This information enables marketers to learn the campaigns that are most effective for each lead segment and also to get a holistic understanding of each prospect.
  • Marketing Analytics: The campaign management software should integrate with your CRM and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solutions so that you can correlate marketing expenses to earned revenues. This will help you decide whether your marketing budget needs to be be increased or decreased. Another advantage is you can learn how your marketing campaigns contribute directly to earned revenues.

Benefits of Campaign Marketing Software

These are the main benefits companies experience when using a solid campaign marketing system:
  • Reduced Lead Time. Once you’ve automated your campaign processes, coordination, scheduling, and launching new campaigns will be significantly simplified, both through a single channel and multiple ones. What used to take weeks will now be accomplished in few hours.
  • Personalized Interactions. We all know that personalization is a powerful conversion tool, which makes personalizing campaign interactions a vital function for optimizing their effectiveness. Behaviors will be tied to individuals, landing pages will be customized, and every customer will be satisfied with your service.
  • Testing. Campaign marketing software offers a variety of testing tools and capabilities for marketers to compare results, such as A/B splitting for landing pages, rolling out winning versions, etc.
  • Optimized Campaign Effectiveness. Automated campaigns are easy to track and monitor, which allows marketers to calculate the odds of their success quite accurately. As a result, the company is always able to discover fresh ways to appeal to customers, and to tackle problematic issues too.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Most of the traffic driven to all channels derives from organic search, which is why every company looking to automate marketing should think of streamlining SEO tasks with the software’s evaluation tools and best practices.

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