Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Call Recordings: The Good, Bad, and Ugly

Image result for sales call recordings

If you haven’t spent time listening to your recorded calls, you are doing yourself a disservice. Call recordings within the dental lab sales process are an essential part of your development and should be integrated into a dental lab's sales environment. With all the technologies out there for call recordings, this is becoming more common in today’s sales environments.

Let’s discuss the various points of view on this:


Call recordings are the best way to train, learn, grow and develop your skills. It is a perfect onboarding tool if you want to quickly ramp your people up. When you are using it as a coaching tool, the rep is usually less anxious and defensive and can listen to feedback in a more relaxed way.
You can break down calls and only work on specifics such as just the opening of the call or just the questioning. There is a stronger chance for improvement when you break it down into small chunks. You can also role-play new techniques.


It’s still a controversial topic because of all the laws and regulations for call recordings in certain states. Some organizations do not allow call recordings. They are very cautious about call recordings, and if they allow it, they will add a disclaimer at the beginning of the call which requires the rep to announce the recording is taking place and ask permission. While this works well for inbound customer service types of calls, it is not well received on outbound prospecting calls. The prospect loses trust and cooperation.


Unfortunately, some reps have been traumatized from the feedback they received in working with a manager who listened to their call recording. It was either too negative, or too much to absorb and they walked away with a negative experience which demotivated them.


We highly recommend you consider creating a safe call coaching culture across your organization. This is the best way to grow, develop, and improve performance.
For more information contact

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