Friday, September 9, 2016

Improve Customer Retention with Personalization, Content & Surveys

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It's impossible to understate the importance of customer retention. Not only are returning dentists cheaper than new ones, but they also represent long-term success in regard to your dental lab. Building customer loyalty isn't easy, but you can get started with these techniques:

Send personalized emails 

Email is the most effective platform when it comes to improving customer retention. Unlike social media, you can send personalized messages to individual users based on their order history and preferences. 
The mistake most dental labs make is sending cookie cutter messages out to the entire subscriber list. Dentists can spot these emails from a mile away, and most won't even open them.  
This recent Iamwire article talks about the strategy of personalizing emails. According to the article, just sending a simple birthday message can lay the foundation for customer loyalty: 
"Most marketing emails begin with the standard robotic messages that don’t involve any amount of personalization. Starting emails by addressing the person with his/her name not only creates a higher recall value for the customer but also shows them how much the brand cares about/ remembers them. Wishing customers on special occasions such as their birthdays or gently reminding them when they have not checked out from their cart and the likes is a great way to keep them engaged with an eCommerce platform."
Personalization makes all the difference in regard to email marketing. While robotic messages will inspire users to unsubscribe from your campaign, individualized ones will stand out to users and increase engagement. 

Create content that doesn't directly promote your dental lab

Promotion usually does more harm than good in the context of online marketing. The general rule of thumb is that if it's not on your website, then the content shouldn't directly promote your business. 
In regard to customer retention, you shouldn't even come close to promoting your products. Instead, you should create content with the goal of engaging and informing your customers. This Forbes article explains how relevant content balances your marketing efforts and build customer retention: 
"On our blog, we share content that reflects what our values are as a brand. This gives us credibility on a range of topics that goes beyond our product. New product announcements, employee features, and event recaps aren’t enough. That’s still relevant content to share, but to build retention and bring balance, it’s important that we publish articles that go beyond promoting our company directly."
This is the type of content you should share on social media and in your marketing emails. It should educate customers about your industry so they can get more out of their products and services. The better their understanding, the more likely they'll return to your business. 

Create customer surveys 

Customer surveys serve two important purposes in regard to customer retention. For one, they remind customers of your business relationship. If nothing else, they'll at least keep you in contact with your target audience. 
In addition, customer surveys also demonstrate that you're serious about your brand experience. You're asking customers for feedback with the intention of improving your business operations. If you actually take the steps to incorporate their suggestions in your strategy, then they'll see your dedication to customers first-hand. 
Creating customer surveys is fast and easy. You can include a link in your emails and on your social media profiles. The more exposure you give your surveys the better, since you want to get as many responses as possible. 
Improving customer retention takes years of patience, practice, and planning. You won't build customer loyalty overnight, but you can make great progress by executing the techniques mentioned here. To talk more about customer retention, or anything else, contact us today 1.888.715.9099 or visit 
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